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Tag Archives: funding

University of Florida eliminates Computer Science Department

There are  budget cuts and layoff everywhere. We have already heard before that Florida State dissolved academic departments to fight the financial crisis. And now the University of Florida is going to eliminate Computer Science Department, a really disturbing move. From Steven Salzberg’s blog: The University of Florida announced this past week that it was […]

Building cheap machines with LEGO for research

I am so envious of these people who can build a useful machine by LEGO which can save money. The building part itself must be a lot of fun! From  LEGO robots in the laboratory

2012-02-16 New articles we read this week

Stem cells/ regeneration Makkar RR, Smith RR, Cheng K, Malliaras K, Thomson LE, Berman D, Czer LS, Marbán L, Mendizabal A, Johnston PV, Russell SD, Schuleri KH, Lardo AC, Gerstenblith G, Marbán E. Intracoronary cardiosphere-derived cells for heart regeneration after myocardial infarction (CADUCEUS): a prospective, randomised phase 1 trial. Lancet. 2012 Feb 13. [Epub ahead […]

2012-02-05 new articles we read this week

Development Balaskas N, Ribeiro A, Panovska J, Dessaud E, Sasai N, Page KM, Briscoe J, Ribes V. Gene regulatory logic for reading the sonic hedgehog signaling gradient in the vertebrate neural tube. Cell. 2012 Jan 20;148(1-2):273-84. PubMed PMID: 22265416; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3267043. Lassar A. Finding MyoD with a little help from my friends. Nat […]

Occupy Science

This is a cross post from a discussion thread on my facebook, after the UC Davis pepper spray incidence. There are interesting ideas that are worthwhile to think further. It is also interesting to see that there are scientists joining the actual Occupy protests… um..  I still think the problem is not merely the lack […]

Can Lytro camera be an economical replacement of confocal microscopy?

These days with tight budget and poor economy, I am always intrigued in finding ways to conserve my research funding, which I think is a responsible approach to research rather than the big spending and throwing-away-old-but-good-equipment mentality. For example, all monitors in my office are old, unwanted CRT monitors. The oldest one is a Sony […]

2011-10-29 new articles we read this week

Development Lander AD. Pattern, growth, and control. Cell. 2011 Mar 18;144(6):955-69. Review. PubMed PMID: 21414486; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3128888. Braendle C, Felix MA. The other side of phenotypic plasticity: a developmental system that generates an invariant phenotype despite environmental variation. J Biosci. 2009 Oct;34(4):543-51. Review. PubMed PMID: 19920340. Noordermeer D, Leleu M, Splinter E, Rougemont […]